Your suit is coming unglued. Literally. Prior to the 1950's, suits traditionally were tailored by basting the outer fabric onto the canvas structure. The canvas structure provides the shape to the garment. This basting is best done by hand, and it's the most labor-intensive part of making tailored clothing. However, during the '50s, when many industries were revolutionized by high-tech, labor-saving, quality-cutting techniques, and clothing makers came up with a process called fusion. Many suit makers went to fusion, saving millions of human stitching hours. Unfortunately, fusion construction doesn't achieve the same results as hand stitching. The jacket may look great on the hanger. It may even look good on you. But at some point the combination of dry-cleaning fluids and steam heat will do things to the fusing and you end up with a bubble-wrap worsted suit.
Buying an expensive designer suit is still no guarantee that you're not buying a garment that is partially fused. Several top designers construct their suits the same way that leaser expensive suits are made. Some designers have adopted a hybrid make, a basted canvas chest with a fused bottom half to the coat. Many top manufactures will say, "Today's fusing has got much better, but we still include a lot of handwork."
You could ask the salesperson if the garment is fused or basted, but in reality many simply do not know how the suits they sell are constructed. Here at Christopher Turner Couture, whether it is our hand tailored custom or our made-to-measure, all of our garments are basted full canvas. Allowing for a better fit, comfort, but a longer lasting garment that brings years of enjoyment. With proper care, a basted full canvas garment, over the course of the years becomes a better investment. It allows you to build a wardrobe, rather than replacing a wardrobe. It provides for a sustainable industry of skilled artist.
We invite you to schedule your private consultation today.